Tuesday, May 5, 2009

unfortunate but yet odd beginning

*Where am I! My head have an unpleasant sore at the right part of it.*
~flash back~
'Hold on to my hands!'
'I can't, our hands are slippery! I can't hold on much longer!'
both the hands that were clutching to each other on the cliff were wet and slippery because of thunderstorm. My hands slip off because I don't have any strength left in me.
the cool breeze rush towards me from my back while i can hear the
guy that hold my hands shouted. His voice was fading.
~flash back ends~
*Oh! now i remembered something.. but who am I, where am I. i can't remember anything before i fall from the cliff. Now I'm resting on this wide open field but no cliff to be seen. Oh! my head, it's painful than before i can't hold on much longer.......* *faints*

~moments later~

'wake up! hey! wake up! are you all right, little fella'
*urgh.... someone is calling me, my eyes are too heavy. i barely opens it* after i open my eyes, i saw a yellow figure in front of me but it was blurry. after a moment, i can focus it. but *what is this? is this a joke? it was.... it was.... a pokemon... it's a pikachu*
'hey, are you alright? you don't feel well to me...'

'i'm alright but you are a talking pikachu! and i had never seen a real pokemon before!'
'what are you talking about? are you nuts? you talks too and you are a charmander and you said you did not see a pokemon before?'
*What is he talking about? i'm a charmander? but i thought i was a human.... hey, wait a minut
e why my hands are in these form? and why did i have a tail? AHHH! it's caught fire too! but hey... it doesn't hurt me at all.*
and so.. there was a lake nearby us. I left that talking pikachu and run towards the lake and i triped because i am not familiar with my new pair of legs, i thougt it should be human legs. but now it is in their new form that i didn't think that i have them before... when i reach the lake and see the reflection of the water, i saw my face but i don't think my looks are like this.
*huh? i'm so scared and lost now! my legs and hands that i don't think they are like this but even my face! What happen to me? I'm human but now i'm a charmander?*

'When did i become a charmander!!!*
'Become a charmander? you are really sick now.....
'I'm not sick! I'm a human! but now I'm a charmander! can you tell me what have happen?'

'Hey look, calm yourself down will you?'
'how am I gonna calm down?'
'I cant help you if you dont calm down!'
'ou..ok...' *head lowered* 'i guess you are right, but how can you explain to me.. all i can remember is that i'm a human and nothing else.'
'you keep saying that you are a human but we don't have a human before in this place. Sorry, i can't really help you but i promise, we can find out why you become a pokemon like you said, we will solve your mystery when time goes by but what we need to do now is to get you to a safe place. it's getting dark out here.'
'ok, thanks.... lets go, i'll follow you because i don't even know where to go or what to do now.'